Thursday, August 18, 2005

Although today is the day of the week that I loathe so much, it's been so fantastic. History was awesome. We did group work and answered a SBQ question. And I really hate answering SBQs. It's so stupid in all honesty. And I have a shitload of history assignments to be done by tomorrow and if I don't do it, I'll be a bad, bad, rep.

AM was great fun proving identities. Mdm. Ho was naggy though but it's become part of our school life that we see her naggings as normal routine. We had a mock test for EM later and I'm not confident I would pass. Plus, I'm not so good at Geometry. ;)

Recess later. Ate the BBQ chicken thing or whatever it is called.

The class was given the wrong instructions on where to go for Physics. Here's what happened on my account and Pok Quen as well as a few other girls. Usually, for Physics lesson, we would go to the Lab on a double period but just when we were about to go down the stairs, we were told that the Physics lesson was to be conducted in the class. BUT later, some of the guys said, the lesson is in the Physics Lab. So we didn't really know. The entire class walked down to the lab. Halfway on our walk, we saw some of our classmates heading back to class telling us the lesson is definitely not in the lab. By this time, I was very irritated. I mean, seriously, I hate walking around with a full stomach. It makes me feel so nauseous. So, me and a number of our friends, waited on the walkway to the staircase just in case Mdm. Lim walks pass us. So in the end, the lesson was conducted in the classroom.

Then, I headed for Chem lab. Thank god there wasn't any wrong instructions given to where to go for the lesson. BUT man, I was so down on my luck. Honestly. I saw a bunch of boys at the staircase whom threatened an old friend of mine whom I find rather irritating. I already knew what had happened even before I saw these boys at the staircase downstairs. Qi Han was beaten up by these boys. Frankly speaking though, Qi Han had had it coming. But it was way too much for a group of boys to attack one single person. That's so NOT fair. I'm sure most of you probably know who those boys are by rumours, stories and more. The news made its way so fast to the point that almost the entire sec 3 level knew what had happen. Later in the Chem lab, Mr. Lai named them as "idiots" and told us Qi Han had countless shoe marks on his uniform and some of the dirt on his face, a swollen ear and a bleeding nose [if I heard correctly].

Man, I don't know what the hell is up with gangs and brothers. Seriously, WTF?! and if you ask me what do i feel about what had happened to Qi han, I really don't sympathize him. Like I said, he had it coming. =))

Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 3:24 PM ( 0 comments )
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