Tuesday, August 09, 2005
I got back from the NDP@Tampines event about 30 minutes ago. It was really fantastic! My neighbours, myself and a few others whom I got to know on the day the event was held were really grooving to the beat. The dances put up by the different ethnic groups were eye-catching and the costumes put on were beautiful! Wrapping things up, fireworks shot up their sky, engaging millions of light into the night blanket. The fireworks were magnificient! All of us were practically shouting our lungs out! I took some pictures with my camera earlier today. I *might* post it up online but I can't find my cable. And my memory card can't be plugged into a specified port.

After the event was over (sorta), I walked over to Tampines Mall to get a McFillet and french fries. When I got home, it was already about 9.10pm. And I didn't miss out the entire Full Circle series on TV. I really love watching this series. You readers should see it too if you haven't.

Today's episode touched my heart. It was about two twin sisters who got seperated at child birth. The younger sister named Norsia is a Chinese at birth but she changed her race to Malay when she was adopted by a Malay family. Later, she found out that she has a twin sister whose whereabout was unknown after so many years of seperation. She went through a lot of tribulations to get through the entire quest to look for her twin sister. And on her quest, she met her Mother who couldn't speak English or Malay. Norsia, who wasn't able to speak Hokkien and Mandarin, got frustrated because she really couldn't develop a sense of "mother-daughter" after many years. Later, Norsia's daughter, spotted her Mother's twin sister and asked a few rather personal questions who got Poh Choo (Norsia's elder sister) rather disturbed. After answering some questions, she later was convinced when she saw a picture of a woman who looked exactly like her. She was then brought to Norsia's home. Both of them were very shocked to see each other (imagine seeing someone whose looks are the same as you) and were reunited. Although it was a happy reunion, it still wasn't perfect. Their brother, Ah Kiat, is still missing. Both of them went on a second quest to look for their missing brother.

I gotta say, this brand new series is a very interesting one. =)

Ok, ta. I should go do chemistry.

Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 9:30 PM ( 0 comments )
  • male.
  • fifthTEEN.
  • likes photography.
  • enjoys web design.
  • gourmet.
  • fruit juices, especially apple.



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