Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I was almost late for school today.

We presented our projects for Mother Tongue. The "chain of stories" were absolutely hilarious! I totally enjoyed writing crap in the other group's stories. *laughs* We even came up with a stupid idea, a "nenek kebayan (old malay witch)" dancing to the "techno" groove. English was alright but pretty disappointing. We held our lesson in the AVA today. Anyway, for your information, I failed English. Just so for those who are keen to know. This common test is a good phase. I passed all my subjects except for English - most of which are distinctions. Nuh-uh, I'm not bragging. I just think I deserve to tell the whole world that. I can't slack though for the final years.

PE cheered me up. I joined Ahmad's team. Oh well.. pretty cool I guess. We played floorball and we WON by 2-0. I was only defending our area since I thought it was a pretty easy task to do but when the floorball came to where I was standing at, everyone was practically going CRAZY. It's like a GANG fight (gangbang if you prefer). LOL. I even flung my stick by accident. I know, I know. Everybody was hitting for the floorball and well.. one of them hit my stick by accident and the stick FLUNG by like 2 metres. *LOL* Got scolded by Ow Yong. *whines*

I felt like shit during AM lessons. I was down with FLU. A terrible FLU. And I was sneezing throughout the entire lesson which I totally hate because I couldn't concentrate on the lessons at all! Geography was WORSE. My flu went from terrible to.. disastrous. My head was spinning and my visions weren't clear. I totally blew the map-reading work today. I JUST COULDNT CONCENTRATE WITH THIS FLU.

Thankfully.. my flu resided for a little while soon after lunch and I was able to do the Trigo test without much sneezing here and there. I think the test was pretty easy. The graph was a giveaway question and the Identity question was the EASIEST. At first glance, I couldn't do the identity question but later.. I realized, "Hey, I can just make that sin^2(A) to [1-cos^2(A)]!" Overall, the paper wasn't so bad. Many were complaining saying how difficult the paper was and how terrible they are gonna flunk the test. Some even said.. "Out of 30, I'll get less than 1/3 of it."

Oh.. have I mentioned how irritating Benjamin Kok is? Pfft. I know the joke I made wasn't funny (or at least it isn't) but dude, this is my mouth. I'm free to shout anything I want and so are you. *mumbles* When he made a joke, I decided to return back the "favour".

Oh man.. I have two tests tomorrow. I wonder if I'm gonna survive reading the textbook (especially HISTORY, FUCK) with this flu. I'm not sure if I wanna go for tuition. BLEH. Ok.. I'm gonna go byeee.

Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 3:15 PM ( 0 comments )
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