Thursday, September 15, 2005
"Why do you mix with the Chinese more often than the Malays?"

I was asked that question earlier today. I answered him this.

"Blame the idiots during my primary school day. They treated me like dirt - an outcast to their eyes. The way they treated me left a bad impression in my mind. Especially the rude ones. I was left with nobody else to talk to but the Chinese whom I got along great with. When I entered secondary school, I thought the treatment I received during my primary school days would remain but they didn't happen ever again. The first person I talked to wasn't a Malay but a Chinese and yes, I still do remember the FIRST person I talked to. That was Qi Ying. That girl from 3E6. This is the reason as to why I'm often seen more social with the Chinese and this is also the reason why I have a LOT of friends who are Chinese."

I left soon after answering his question because I thought it was pointless to go on if he refuses to listen.

Chemistry paper was pretty.. okay. It's quite difficult to a certain extent but most of the questions are answerable. I forgot some chemical formulas for acids and well.. let's just say I screwed that particular question. But other than that, the rest of the questions were pretty okay especially the MCQs. I find them to be a giveaway. I won't bother saying much more about the Chemistry paper lest I find I wrote something wrong in the answer script and regret and also because there are some of us in our class [as well as other classes] who were absent so I'm rather afraid I might just blabber too much information and in the end THEY get the better mark. Yes.. I'm THAT selfish.

But good news is.. tomorrow is the last paper which is a GREAT relief to me but I can't be slacking because the promo exams are coming soon. 10 October 2005. I'm going nuts really. These few weeks are gonna be tough.

Like I've said and ranted on many times before.. Thursday is always the WORST day. Double science, double math. What else can you expect?

I have a good news to say however. I scored 27/35 [77 - A1] for three sections from the Malay Common Test. Hopefully.. the rest of the sections would pull up my overall marks.

Yeah.. short update today. Sorry people. *weeps*

Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 5:08 PM ( 0 comments )
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  • fifthTEEN.
  • likes photography.
  • enjoys web design.
  • gourmet.
  • fruit juices, especially apple.



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