Friday, October 28, 2005
This is the last strand of patience.

I'm not going to put up with my neighbour anymore. Frankly speaking, even though we've known them for like 10 years already, I don't think they have the right to make a terrible din in the middle of the night by playing mahjong. They're shouting! My goodness, can't they just give me one night's rest? My entire family is starting to complain about the din. It's not just me anymore.

My Dad will be writing a letter of complaint to the town council very soon. We've already told them very nicely not to make a huge din, especially in the middle of the night but they didn't heed our advice and instead chose to defy it. Everybody has their limits to patience and they've crossed the line. We've been very, very understanding and going easy on them but we aren't going to give them face anymore. We'll be going hard on them. If the town council doesn't do anything about this, we'll bring the matter up to a higher authority or the police.

We've never complained for AGES now. We only do it when the situation calls for it. It's not like we complain every time. I'm sure the other neighbours feels that something should be done to stop all this but dare not speak up lest they destroy the good relationship with our "dear neighbour".

Now I can't sleep because of this din. I would go knock to their door but it's late right now and I honestly can't be bothered to get out of this room and make a fuss about the din. Seriously, I can't take this. I usually have a horrible headache when I wake up in the morning because I lack of sleep. And what's causing this? Inconsiderate neighbour who plays mahjong all night long!


Many of my friends aren't blogging as often as they used to be. I want to read more interesting entries. I don't want to read entries with like, "Today I go to school. Then something happened lah and my day was like so quick. I'm quite happy today. The end." Typical but boring. Even those blogs with illiterate spellings is a better read! I'm not saying you should update with better and more interesting entries but at least make the effort to. I know it's your blog and you know you have all the rights to post whatever you want no matter how monotonous it may sound to be. I'm not pointing fingers at anybody. Just making a point. No malicious intention honestly!

Anyway, I'll be taking measures to increase my blog traffic this week and the following couple of weeks. I'm signing up on various blog-plug sites, exchanging links with other blogs, registering my blog to various Search Engines, allowing web spiders to crawl my blog, becoming affliates with other websites and etc. I'm doing this because when I turn 18, I'll have a good deal of visitors and I would have signed up for AdSense already. With good traffic, I'll get good easy money from AdSense. There might be some changes during this time and my blog might be temporarily offline for I'll be adding ADS to it. No worries, there'll be no spywares or viruses. My blog will remain as clean as it has always been!


Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 11:38 PM ( 0 comments )
  • male.
  • fifthTEEN.
  • likes photography.
  • enjoys web design.
  • gourmet.
  • fruit juices, especially apple.



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