Monday, November 07, 2005
School was long and dreadful.

It was a cool day in the morning. I reached school and soon after I dropped my bag on the bench in the canteen, I crapped with Chen Chuan. He's so dumb and lame! lol. Kept punching my arm. Needless to say, I punched him back as well. Listen good! I'm not someone to be trifled with! lol. *hides*

First period was Social Studies. The lesson was lifeless I think. I wasn't in a mood to pay full attention but I did jot down notes. I didn't even realize, to my horror, that I started to write on the table instead of the paper! Guess I was still half-asleep at that time?! lol. Anyway, I still don't understand a huge part of the chapter and I need to read up but since I don't have the book yet, damn, why bother? =D Hehehe. Anyway, some idiots irritated me during class time and usually what I do is to tell them to shut their trap up but this time I couldn't be bothered to and I just grimaced at them.

After that was Geography. The most interesting bang-bang lesson! One girl from 3E4 walked pass our class. I thought she was going somewhere but later two other 3E4 students went and brought her back. Then that girl shouted! And then I heard loud bangs! Yes, that's right! A loud bang that can be heard so so easily. Wow... I guess she was in a extremely bad, bad mood. I remember one time when I angry. In a fit of anger, I shouted at my innocent friends. I still feel bad about that. Back to that girl. So when it was break time, I decided I would ask someone from 3E4 about what had happened. Chey, most of you must be wondering why the hell am I so kaypo? Well, typical Singaporeans. They ask anything under the sun. Anyway, I didn't get a chance to dig more information but I guess some is better than nothing! Oooh yah. If the girl chanced upon my blog and is reading this entry, don't feel offended, yar? Take care. =)

Back to Geography. We've a new teacher for Geography. Her name is Ms. Rafidah if I'm not wrong. Well, well, I'm still adjusting myself to the new changes and stuffs like that. I know I won't be able to get back Mr. Chew to teach us back or whatsoever because that's impossible! We learnt a new chapter for both Geography and A-maths. Permutations and Combinations. Sounds very chim huh? Yeah, I think likewise. The counting principle can be done but I'm not too sure about the other two categories... which is obviously the "main topics to be learnt in this chapter. I guess I gotta pay attention in tuition huh? lol.

Alright... I guess today was a pretty fruitful day. I might be going out later to shop for awhile since the guests will only arrive at night time. By then I would have reached home already.

Posted by Ridzwan Haron at 12:53 PM ( 0 comments )
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